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libstdc source code
For instructions on Git checkout develop git submodule update Generally, you should only need to clone DFHack once.. Failure to do this may result in strange build errors or “not a known DF version” errors.. Important note regarding submodule update and changing branches: You must run git submodule update every time you change branches, such as when switching between the master and develop branches or vice versa.. Project Downloads Apache Harmony software is a modular Java runtime with class libraries and associated tools.. 8 onwards (including 5 x) will work Before you can build anything, you’ll also need cmake. 1
libstdc source code
It is advisable to also get ccmake on distributions that split the cmake package into multiple parts.. Access to the code repository is available to all For information on how to get configured to build and work with the Apache Harmony source code, refer to Getting Started For Contributors.. If a submodule only exists on the newer branch, you also need to run git submodule update --init.. ) To build DFHack you need GCC version 4 8 or later GCC 4 8 is easiest to work with due to avoiding libstdc issues (see below), but any version from 4.. More notes: - read this if your build machine may not have an internet connection! Dependencies DFHack is meant to be installed into an existing DF folder, so get one ready.
We assume that any Linux platform will have git available (though it may need to be installed with your package manager.